Make Ease Your Vibe

Mindset, Energy, and Time Strategies to help transform your daily vibe.

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Feel relief from the overwhelm of life by getting intentional with your time and learning to live with EASE.

We’ve all heard of junk food,

but what about junk thoughts?

What are those shameful,

shoulda-thoughts you feed yourself daily?

How can you get off the negative self-talk train,

lay new tracks, and create new thought patterns?

How do you build a life that doesn’t just look good on paper, but that feels good in real life?

In this book, K. Margaret shares strategies and techniques to help you re-frame your thoughts,

prioritize your time like a pro,

and give yourself permission to enjoy the life you live.

It’s your time to sparkle. Start today.

About the Author

K. Margaret Solorio is an author, podcast host,

and spiritual teacher.

As a master do-er (she can seriously get stuff done),

K. Margaret has learned that the doing is not enough.

It's not the whole equation.

She wrote this book

to help you enjoy your multifaceted life.


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